Test cristin
Publikasjoner fra Cristin
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Digitale medier - fra teknisk til forskningsbasert undervisning
Klæbo, Kirsten. 2015, FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Les mer i Cristin“Effects of increased water temperature and water-soluble crude oil exposure on survival, growth, and feeding success of early life stages of polar cod (Boreogadus saida)”.
Polar cod, lipid metabolism and disruption by PAHs (polarisation)
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth; Gossa, Julia; Frantzen, Marianne; Laurent, Jennifer Malica; Teisrud, Ragnar; Jones, Connie; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Reinhardy, Helena; Laurel, Benjamin J.; Meador, James P. mfl.. 2018, Ecosystem Studies of the Sub-Arctic Seas.
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Les mer i CristinPolartorsk babier i et oljeutslipp.
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth. 2018, Forsker Grand Prix.
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Les mer i Cristin“How sensitive are polar cod to oil pollution?”.
Polar cod, lipid metabolism and disruption by PAHs (polarisation)
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth; Nahrgang, Jasmine. 2018, ARCTOS Research School Monthly meeting.
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Les mer i Cristin“How sensitive are polar cod to a changing Arctic?”.
Polar cod, lipid metabolism and disruption by PAHs (polarisation)
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth; Gossa, Julia; Laurent, Jennifer Malica; Teisrud, Ragnar; Jones, Connie; Frantzen, marianne; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Reinhardy, Helena; Laurel, Benjamin J.; Meador, James P. mfl.. 2018, Framdagen.
Les mer i CristinEffects of increased water temperature and water-soluble crude oil exposure on early life stages of polar cod (Boreogadus saida).
Polar cod, lipid metabolism and disruption by PAHs (polarisation)
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth; Gossa, Julia; Laurent, Jennifer Malica; Teisrud, Ragnar; Jones, Connie; Frantzen, marianne; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Reinhardy, Helena; Laurel, Benjamin J.; Meador, James P. mfl.. 2018, ARCEx The Research Center for Arctic Petroleum Exploration.
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Les mer i CristinPolartorsk i et oljeutslipp.
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth. 2018, Open Dag på NFH.
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Les mer i CristinEverything you love about the Arctic comes down to Polar cod.
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth. 2017
Les mer i CristinSens2change - instagram and facebook page.
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth. 2018
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Les mer i CristinPolar Cod larvae in an oil spill.
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth. 2018, PhD Student Meeting.
Faglig foredrag
Les mer i CristinPolartorskens usikre oppvekst i fremtidens Arktis.
Polar cod, lipid metabolism and disruption by PAHs (polarisation)
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Nahrgang, Jasmine; Bender, Morgan Lizabeth. 2018, Nordlys.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Les mer i CristinPolar cod early life stages up against a changing Arctic.
Polar cod, lipid metabolism and disruption by PAHs (polarisation)
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth; Nahrgang, Jasmine; Frantzen, marianne. 2019, Fram Forum.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Les mer i CristinHow sensitive are polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic?.
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Bender, Morgan Lizabeth; Gossa, Julia; Laurent, Jennifer Malica; Teisrud, Ragnar; Frantzen, marianne; Sørensen, Lisbet; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Reinardy, Helena; Laurel, Benjamin J.; Meador, James P. mfl.. 2019, PRIMO.
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Les mer i CristinSensitivity of Arctic fishes to a changing Arctic.
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Nahrgang, Jasmine; Bender, Morgan Lizabeth. 2018, MIKON Flagskip meeting .
Faglig foredrag
Les mer i CristinBehavioral Response of Polar Cod Larvae Exposed to the Water-Soluble Fraction of Crude Oil at Two Different Temperatures.
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Gossa, Julia; Bender, Morgan Lizabeth; Laurent, Jennifer Malica; Teisrud, Ragnar; Jones, Connie; Dubourg, Paul; di poi, carole; Frantzen, marianne; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Meador, James P. mfl.. 2018, Arcex annual conference 2018.
Les mer i CristinPolartorskens usikre oppveksten til polartorsk i fremtidens Arktis.
Sensitivity of polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic: A study of the impact of petroleum and elevated temperature (Sens2change)
Nahrgang, Jasmine; Bender, Morgan Lizabeth. 2018, Nordlys.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Les mer i Cristin